Google 以及许多组织中完成的大部分工作都是由团队协作完成的。团队是实际生产发生的分子单位,是构思和测试创新想法的地方,也是员工体验大部分工作的地方。但人际关系问题、不合适的技能和不明确的团队目标也会阻碍生产力并导致摩擦。
继Google 的“氧气计划”研究取得成功之后,人员分析团队研究了如何成为一名优秀的管理者,Google 研究人员应用了类似的方法来发现 Google 高效团队的秘密。代号为“亚里士多德计划”——致敬亚里士多德的名言“整体大于部分之和”(谷歌研究人员认为,员工一起工作比单独工作可以做更多的事情)——目标是回答以下问题:“什么是整体?”让团队在 Google 变得高效?”
Why Do Clients and Bosses Think There’s No Result Despite Hard Work?
Today, let me introduce you to the EOOI model to improve communication and cognitive thinking.
What is the EOOI Model?
The EOOI model is an acronym that stands for:
Let’s Use Making Coffee as an Example
Today, you took out two cups, boiled a pot of water, and ground 30 coffee beans 100 times. This represents how regular employees and frontline technical staff communicate, focusing only on their work effort. Unfortunately, bosses and clients don’t recognize this—they feel you haven’t produced anything of value.
So, what did all these actions produce? A cup of drinkable coffee. This is the tangible working result, the output that your boss and clients care about. They don’t care about the intricate details, right?
Now, having a cup of coffee, what does it achieve? Drinking it helps to stay awake and alert. This is the effect behind the output. The greater result brought by the output is called the outcome.
And what value does staying awake and alert bring? Perhaps your client or boss has an important business event or meeting where they need to stay sharp. This is the larger value behind it, known as the impact.
From effort to output to outcome and then to impact, the scope of value increases, and the level of cognitive thinking elevates. Communicating in this way, how could your clients and bosses not appreciate you?
“You may not realize this, but when you pay an agile coach (especially an enterprise coach), you’re paying for the way they bring themselves, their consciousness, their self-mastery, their sense-making, and their humanity to your organization. And because it is so rare for people to bring these things, it’s going to cost you - both in terms of money, and in terms of (temporary) disorientation and a certain discomfort, which will eventually turn to comfort. You’re paying for the seed to humanize your organization.” - Posted on LinkedIn by Oluf Nissen
(原文由博主mebusw于2009年发表于现已不在的桌游论坛BGC。”Race For The Galaxy” 策略类卡片桌游是一种很好地团建方式,节奏快,时间段,易上手,寓教于乐,特别适合于敏捷团队,笔者于2007年开始尝试这种方式带团队,收到很好的效果。今日偶然翻到这篇旧文,忆往昔DIY的日子,唏嘘不已。)