某团队希望做到Continuous Code Review, 想在每次check-in 到SVN之前,先判断特定用户群体否在commit log里面包含了”Review By: xxx”的字样。
于是研究了一下脚本,其实SVN/GIT都提供了类似的hook, 在<your repository>/hooks 目录下,都是shell或cmd脚本(要看服务器的操作系统了),会在不同的事件时触发。
SVN的基本原理就是用”svnlook”命令来查看服务器的元数据,比如”svnlook info REPOS_PATH –revision 23“(见http://i18n-zh.googlecode.com/svn/www/svnbook-1.4/svn.ref.svnlook.c.info.html)
其中 REPOS_PATH是服务器上的绝对路径。–revision后面跟已有版本号码,而–transaction后面跟提交事务ID,也就是我们要利用的。
# pre-commit.sh # %1 is REPOS_PATH passed in by svn server # %2 is transaction ID passed in by svn server python ./pre-commit.py %1 %2
Python脚本根据网上的例子修改,除了检查commit log,还可以通过”svnlook changed“命令来检查改动文件的内容。
#!/bin/env python " Example Subversion pre-commit hook. "
def command_output(cmd): " Capture a command's standard output. " import subprocess return subprocess.Popen( cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
def files_changed(look_cmd): """ List the files added or updated by this transaction.
"svnlook changed" gives output like: U trunk/file1.cpp A trunk/file2.cpp """ def filename(line): return line[4:] def added_or_updated(line): return line and line[0] in ("A", "U") return [ filename(line) for line in command_output(look_cmd % "changed").split("\n") if added_or_updated(line)]
def txn_log(look_cmd): """ Print the author, datestamp, log message size (in bytes), and log message, followed by a newline character.
"svnlook info" gives output like: sally 2003-02-22 17:44:49 -0600 (Sat, 22 Feb 2003) 16 Rearrange lunch. """ print look_cmd lines = command_output(look_cmd % "info").splitlines() return [lines[0], ''.join(lines[3:])]
def file_contents(filename, look_cmd): " Return a file's contents for this transaction. " return command_output( "%s %s" % (look_cmd % "cat", filename))
def contains_tabs(filename, look_cmd): " Return True if this version of the file contains tabs. " return "\t" in file_contents(filename, look_cmd)
def check_cpp_files_for_tabs(look_cmd): " Check C++ files in this transaction are tab-free. " def is_cpp_file(fname): import os return os.path.splitext(fname)[1] in ".cpp .cxx .h".split() cpp_files_with_tabs = [ ff for ff in files_changed(look_cmd) if is_cpp_file(ff) and contains_tabs(ff, look_cmd)] if len(cpp_files_with_tabs) > 0: sys.stderr.write("The following files contain tabs:\n%s\n" % "\n".join(cpp_files_with_tabs)) return len(cpp_files_with_tabs)
def check_changed_file(): usage = """usage: %prog REPOS TXN
Run pre-commit options on a repository transaction.""" from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-r", "--revision", help="Test mode. TXN actually refers to a revision.", action="store_true", default=False) errors = 0 try: (opts, (repos, txn_or_rvn)) = parser.parse_args() look_opt = ("--transaction", "--revision")[opts.revision] look_cmd = "svnlook %s %s %s %s" % ( "%s", repos, look_opt, txn_or_rvn) errors += check_cpp_files_for_tabs(look_cmd) except: parser.print_help() errors += 1 return errors
def check_txn_log(): usage = """usage: %prog REPOS
Run pre-commit options on a repository last log.""" from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) errors = 0 try: (opts, (repos)) = parser.parse_args() print parser.parse_args() look_cmd = "svnlook %s -t %s %s " % ( "%s", repos[1], repos[0]) (user, message) = txn_log(look_cmd) print user print message
user_list = ['jacky', 'jimmy'] if not 'review by' in message.lower() and user in user_list: errors = 33
except: parser.print_help() errors = 1 return errors
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys sys.exit(check_txn_log())