XCode6 中XCTest支持异步的单元测试

过去因为每个测试是相互独立、顺序执行的,因此单元测试都是同步执行的。为了支持各种异步调用,XCode可以用来新的API和 XCTestExpectation 对象支持block,现在测试方法会等待调用完成或者超时。
一般的过程是,测试用例进行异步操作,并注册回调,然后等待expectation被满足。当异步操作结束时,通常会进入回调函数或者Block,测试案例在这里需要主动告知expectation已经被满足,从而结束run loop的等待,然后可以进行后续断言或操作。


// Test that the document is opened. Because opening is asynchronous,
// use XCTestCase’s asynchronous APIs to wait until the document has
// finished opening.
// 测试某文档应当被打开。使用异步API来等待,直到文档的打开动作完成。

  • (void)testDocumentOpening
    // Create an expectation object.
    // This test only has one, but it’s possible to wait on multiple expectations.
    // 创建XCTestExpectation 对象。可以等待多个expectation。
    XCTestExpectation *documentOpenExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"document open"];

NSURL *URL = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]
URLForResource:@"TestDocument" withExtension:@"mydoc"];
UIDocument *doc = [[UIDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:URL];

[doc openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
// Possibly assert other things here about the document after it has opened…
// 文档打开之后,还可以有其他的断言

 // Fulfill the expectation-this will cause -waitForExpectation
 // to invoke its completion handler and then return.
 // 满足期望-这将导致后面的 -waitForExpectation 调用其completion handler然后返回。
 [documentOpenExpectation fulfill];


// The test will pause here, running the run loop, until the timeout is hit
// or all expectations are fulfilled.
// 测试会等在这里,运行着run loop,直到超时或者expectation被满足
[self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:1 handler:^(NSError *error) {
[doc closeWithCompletionHandler:nil];




