Clients and Bosses love you because of EOOI model

Why Do Clients and Bosses Think There’s No Result Despite Hard Work?

Today, let me introduce you to the EOOI model to improve communication and cognitive thinking.

What is the EOOI Model?

The EOOI model is an acronym that stands for:

  • Effort
  • Output
  • Outcome
  • Impact

Let’s Use Making Coffee as an Example

Today, you took out two cups, boiled a pot of water, and ground 30 coffee beans 100 times. This represents how regular employees and frontline technical staff communicate, focusing only on their work effort. Unfortunately, bosses and clients don’t recognize this—they feel you haven’t produced anything of value.

So, what did all these actions produce? A cup of drinkable coffee. This is the tangible working result, the output that your boss and clients care about. They don’t care about the intricate details, right?

Now, having a cup of coffee, what does it achieve? Drinking it helps to stay awake and alert. This is the effect behind the output. The greater result brought by the output is called the outcome.

And what value does staying awake and alert bring? Perhaps your client or boss has an important business event or meeting where they need to stay sharp. This is the larger value behind it, known as the impact.


From effort to output to outcome and then to impact, the scope of value increases, and the level of cognitive thinking elevates. Communicating in this way, how could your clients and bosses not appreciate you?