手工安装 grunt.js/npm/phantomJs 一些经验

grunt.js是node.js的一个组件,本身还带有很多plug-in,用于javascript应用程序的构建管理及依赖管理,诸如lint, copy, concat, minify,  unit test等,有点象Maven。





下载grunt.js,同样拷贝到目标机。注意grunt.js应该使用(npm -g install grunt)作为全局安装。在linux系统下,结果是在/usr/lib/node_modules下。在winXP下,是在 C:\Documents and Settings&lt;username>\Application Data\npm\node_modules 下。其他grunt的plugin,如果不是全局module,一般都是安装在项目下,即<project>/node_modules。


我们希望grunt的这些module能被目标机的多个项目共享,毕竟没有网络,也不想拷来拷去。在https://npmjs.org/doc/link.html 提供了一种npm link的方法,不太好使。其实不用它这么麻烦。将所需的grunt module都拷到目标机的某个目录下的node_modules,然后直接在每个项目下新建个指向该目录的符号链接:

cd <project>

ln -s  <somewhere>/node_modules/      node_modules



1.      Grunt.js/node.js should be quite easy toonce-click install if this centOS5 server has a internet connection, but, forthis server, I have to copy the .tar manually, then copy all modules andplugins by finding the right place to put

2.      Grunt-jasmine-runner require phantomJs to rununit test. At first, I tried to run the complied version for linux, but itrequires libgc v2.9+ , which finally I realize centOS5 can’t afford such highversion (even forcely compile that lib with low version gcc compiler, possiblywill make the low version linux core crash).

3.      Then I tried to compile phantomJs 1.7 manually,which depends on 30+ libs. Those can be download fromhttp://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/os/x86_64/CentOS/then copy to server, and run with rpm command in turn. Fortunately, it works

4.      The last tricky one, the passed unit test failson that server by run ‘grunt jasmine’.

<pre>Running “jasmine” task

Testing jasmine specs via phantom

[D] [“phantomjs”,”onResourceReceived”,”GET"]
[D] [“phantomjs”,”onError”,”ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: describe”,[{“file”:”","line":31,"function":""}]]
ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: describe

At last, it’s caused by that: I createda symbolic link for “node_modules” to re-use common module, but it preventgrunt-jasmine-runner to fetch sth. (not sure yet). To resolve it, need to copythe “node_modules” files directly under project folder.